Sai Prabhakar

AI Researcher


ML Research Scientist

Tempus AI Inc.

Gen AI Team,


I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a Master of Science in Robotics (Thesis; MSR) degree, having completed my undergrad at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras. My master’s thesis, conducted under the supervision of Prof. Manuela Veloso and Dr. Stephanie Rosenthal, focused on Explainable AI applied to Vision and Robotics. Prior to my current role at Tempus AI Inc., I worked at Abridge AI, where I spearheaded the development of conversation understanding capabilities for various healthcare actors, and led ML R&D for automatic doctor documentation.

My professional experience spans across both startup environments, where I built breakthrough ML products from scratch and scaled the company from 0 to 850 Million $, as well as large product and research-oriented companies. Additionally, I am a member of the International Consortium for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Shared Decision Making special interest groups (SDM).

Academically, my interests lie in Health AI, Reinforcement Learning, Natural Language Understanding, and Machine Learning. Currently, at Tempus, I am delving into new avenues for Generative AI in Healthcare. Notable recent research includes fine-tuning LLMs, enhancing Summarization Models with Human Feedback and Edits, and devising new metrics for evaluating LLM-generated summaries and Speaker Diarization. My work has been published across top-tier conferences in fields such as LLMs, NLP, Speech, Computer Vision, Robotics, and Reinforcement Learning.

Throughout my career, I have worked extensively with popular Deep Learning frameworks, large datasets, Cloud platforms, and MLOps tools like Kubernetes and Pub/Sub.


selected publications

  1. genai.png
    Improving Summarization with Human Edits
    Zonghai Yao , Benjamin J Schloss , and Sai P Selvaraj
    In Proceedings of main conference EMNLP, 2023 , 2023
  2. genai.png
    Generating more faithful and consistent SOAP notes using attribute-specific parameters
    Sanjana Ramprasad , Elisa Ferracane , and Sai P. Selvaraj
    In Proceedings of the Machine Learning for Healthcare, MLHC, 2023 , 2023
  3. NLP.png
    Medication Regimen Extraction From Medical Conversations
    Sai P. Selvaraj , and Sandeep Konam
    In Proceedings of W3PHIAI of the 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020 , 2019
  4. drl.png
    Learning End-to-end Multimodal Sensor Policies for Autonomous Navigation
    Guan-Horng Liu , Avinash Siravuru , Sai Prabhakar Selvaraj , and 2 more authors
    In Conference on Robot Learning , 2017
  5. robo.png
    Dynamic generation and refinement of robot verbalization
    Vittorio Perera , Sai P Selvaraj , Stephanie Rosenthal , and 1 more author
    In 2016 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) , 2016
  6. robo.png
    Verbalization: Narration of Autonomous Robot Experience.
    Stephanie Rosenthal , Sai P Selvaraj , and Manuela M Veloso
    In IJCAI , 2016